생활의 양식/역사,인물

美軍 앵글에 잡힌 6.25 戰爭<1>

풍월 사선암 2011. 6. 28. 10:39

美軍 앵글에 잡힌 6.25 戰爭<1>


1950< 신문 보도 내용 >주한 미군 기지관리사령부 사진 150· 동영상(http://kr.youtube.com/warinkorea) 40여개 인터넷 공개 6·25전쟁 당시 미군 사진사들과 카메라맨들이 찍은 사진과 동영상이 인터넷을 통해 공개됐다. 6일 미 군사전문지인 성조지(Stars and Stripes)에 따르면, 주한미군 기지관리사령부(IMCOM-K)는 미 국방부 자료실로부터 6·25 전쟁 관련 동영상 40여개와 사진 150장을 입수, 웹사이트에 올렸다. 기지관리사령부 공보관 에드워드 존슨씨는 "이들 사진과 동영상들은 한국전과 그 이후시기에 대한 역사적 정보의 보고(寶庫)"라고 말했다고 성조지는 전했다.


사진에는 전쟁 중 폐허로 변한 도시의 모습과 한국군·미군의 전투 모습 등이 다양한 형태로 담겨 있다. 맥아더 유엔군사령관의 전장 시찰, 인기 코미디언 보브 호프와 여배우 마릴린 먼로가 미군을 위문하는 장면 등도 포함돼 있다. 동영상 가운데는 6·25 전쟁 격전지의 전투는 물론, 6·25전쟁 후 한국민의 생활상을 생생하게 볼 수 있는 내용도 들어 있다.


With her brother on her back a war weary Korean girl tiredly trudges by a stalled tank, at Haengju, Korea. June 9, 1951. Maj. R.V. Spencer, UAF. (Navy)

A little Korean girl places a wreath of flowers on the grave of an American soldier, while Pfc. Chester Painter and Cpl. Harry May present arms, at the United Nations cemetery in Pusan. April 9, 1951. Cpl. Alex Klein. (Army)

Repatriated POW Capt. Frederick Smith is greeted by his father on his arrival at Fort Mason, Calif., on board the USNS Marine Phoenix. September 14, 1953. Herb Weiss. (Army)

1st Lt. Alvin Anderson, one of the many repatriated POW's to return home aboard the USNS Marine Phoenix, embracing his mother and sister as other members of his family look on. Fort Mason, CA, September 14, 1953. Herb Weiss. (Army)

U.N. correspondents at the armistice building, Panmunjom, Korea. July 23, 1953. Weber. (Navy)

Gen. W. K. Harrison, Jr., signs armistice ending 3-year Korean conflict. Gen. Harrison, left table, and North Korean Gen. Nam II, right table, sign documents. July 23, 1953. F. Kazukaitis. (Navy)

Col. James Murray, Jr., USMC, and Col. Chang Chun San, of the North Korean Communist Army, initial maps showing the north and south boundaries of the demarcation zone, during the Panmunjom cease fire talks. October 11, 1951. F. Kazukaitis. (Navy)

The families of the returning POW's waving and greeting the ship the General Nelson M. Walker as it docks at Fort Mason, California. August 23, 1953. Pfc. Brink. (Army)

Panmunjom, Korea, the site of military armistice negotiations between representatives of the Communist forces fighting in Korea, and United Nations forces representatives. November 1, 1951. Capt. Edward W. Plummer. (Army)

Marines of the First Marine Division pay their respects to fallen buddies during memorial services at the division's cemetery at Hamhung, Korea, following the break-out from Chosin Reservoir, December 13, 1950. Cpl. Uthe. (Marine Corps)

Cpl. Charles Price sounds "Taps" over the graves of fallen Leathernecks during memorial services at the First Marine Division cemetery at Hungnam, following the division's heroic break-out from Chosin Reservoir. December 13, 1950. Cpl. W. T. Wolfe. (Marine Corps)

A wounded chaplain reads a memorial service over the snow-covered bodies of dead Marines. Koto-ri, Korea. December 3, 1950. Cpl. W. T. Wolfe. (Marine Corps)

A Korean family mourns their murdered father, victim of the wholesale murder at Chonju by North Koreans. September 27, 1950. M. Sgt. E. T. Tarr. (Army)

How a man died on the way to Maeson Dong. September 2, 1950. Sgt. Turnbull. (Army)

General view of buildings in the suburbs of Seoul, Korea, destroyed by artillery and air strikes. August 20, 1951. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)

An aged Korean woman pauses in her search for salvageable materials among the ruins of Seoul, Korea. November 1, 1950. Capt. C. W. Huff. (Army)

Korean women and children search the rubble of Seoul for anything that can be used or burned as fuel. November 1, 1950. Capt. F. L. Scheiber. (Army)

ROK military police pose before the ruins of a devastated building in Pohang. Most buildings that housed red troops were destroyed. October 17, 1950. (Navy)

Scene of war damage in residential section of Seoul, Korea. The capitol building can be seen in the background (right). October 18, 1950. Sfc. Cecil Riley. (Army)

Wreckage of big transport which North Koreans hit while it was on Kimpo Airfield, is again in friendly hands, upon recapture of field. September 18, 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)

The wreckage of a bridge and North Korean Communist tank south of Suwon, Korea. The tank was caught on a bridge and put out of action by the Air Force. October 7, 1950. Marks. (Army)

Return of POW's during Operation "Big Switch," Panmunjom, Korea. Communist POW's ripped off their clothing and strewed it along the road. Some of the clothing is burning. August 12, 1953. Larsen. (Navy)

This anti-Communist North Korean just released from a prisoner of war camp is serving as a kind of cheerleader for fellow ex-POW's as they shout their joy of reaching Seoul. The flags are of the Republic of South Korea. Ca. 1953-54. Gravy. (USIA)

At the United Nations' prisoner-of-war camp at Pusan, prisoners are assembled in one of the camp compounds. The camp contains both North Korean and Chinese Communist prisoners. April 1951. Gahn, State Dept. (USIA)

Communist guerrillas and their families, captured and brought down from Mt. Chirisan, by elements of the ROK Captiol Division, are fed in the POW stockade, Kurije, Korea. December 12, 1951. Cpl. Paul E. Stout. (Army)

Two North Korean boys, serving in the North Korean Army, taken prisoner in the Sindang-dong area by elements of the 389th Inf. Regt., are interrogated by a U.S. soldier shortly after their capture. September 18, 1950. Pfc. Francis Mullin. (Army)

Men of the 1st Marine Division capture Chinese Communists during fighting on the central Korean front. Hoengsong, March 2, 1951. Pfc. C. T. Wehner. (Marine Corps)

Three Korean Communists in a fishing boat are captured by the USS MANCHESTER off the coast of Korea. May 10, 1951. (Navy)

A U.S. Marine tank follows a line of prisoners of war down a village street. September 26, 1950. S. Sgt. John Babyak, Jr. (Marine Corps)

North Korean prisoner of Marines who rolled enemy back in Naktong River fighting. He wear a "Prisoner of War" tag and was treated in accordance with United Nations' rules of international warfare. September 4, 1950. S. Sgt. Walter W. Frank. (Marine Corps)

U.S. Marines guarding three captured North Koreans, ca. 1950. Sgt. W. M. Compton. (Marine Corps)

North Korean prisoners, taken by the Marines in a foothills fight, march single file across a rice paddy. 1950 (Marine Corps)

Homeless, this brother and sister search empty cans for morsels of food, and try to keep warm beside a small fire in the Seoul, Korea, railroad yards. November 17, 1950. Pfc. Fulton. (Army)

A small South Korean child sits alone in the street, after elements of the 1st Marine Div. and South Korean Marines invaded the city of Inchon, in an offensive launched against the North Korean forces in that area. September 16, 1950. Pfc. Ronald L. Hancock. (Army)

A Korean orphan boy adopted by a motor pool battalion at Inchon, Korea and nursed back to health. He is called "Number one" by the boys of the motor pool. June 6, 1951. (Navy)

An old Korean man takes a rest on the street in front of destroyed buildings, in Seoul. August 20, 1951. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)

Miss Mo Yun Sook, famed Korean poetess, is telling how she escaped the Communist-led North Koreans when they captured Seoul, by hiding in the mountains until the U.N. forces liberated the city. November 8, 1950. Cpl. Robert Dangel. (Army)

A refugee family from Ching Pung Men near Masan, now living in a refugee camp at Changseung-po, Korea. October 1950. United Nations. (USIA)

North Korean refugees use anything that will float to evacuate Hungnam. Here they jam the decks of a South Korean LST and many fishing boats. December 19, 1950. (Navy)

Korean natives prepare to board an LST during the evacuation of Hungnam, while other refugees unload some of their meager belongings from an ox-cart and load them on a fishing boat. December 19, 1950. (Navy)

Refugees streaming across the frozen Han River on the ice as they flee southward before the advancing tide of Red Chinese and North Korea Communists. Shattered bridges are shown in the background. January 1951. INP. (USIA)

Long trek southward: Seemingly endless file of Korean refugees slogs through snow outside of Kangnung, blocking withdrawal of ROK I Corps. January 8, 1951. Cpl. Walter Calmus. (Army)

Refugees crowd railway depot at Inchon, Korea, in hopes they may be next to get aboard for trip further south and safety from communist hordes. January 3, 1951. C.K. Rose. (Navy)

United Nations flag waves over crowd waiting to hear Dr. Syngman Rhee speak to the United Nations Council in Taegu, Korea. July 30, 1950. Sgt. Girard. (ARmy)

Carrying a full load of beer donated by the Marine Corps League for Marines in Korea, is Cpl. R. L. Quisenberry, Dayton, Ohio. July 25, 1951. Cpl. William Goodman. (Marine Corps)

A soldier of the ROK Army eating lunch in a war-destroyed house in Munsan-ni, Korea, as a field ration made in Japan for the ROK Army is shown unpacked. July 17, 1951. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)

These men of the Heavy Mortar Co., 7th Inf. Regt., go native, cooking rice in their foxhole in the Kagae-dong area, Korea. December 7, 1950. Pfc. Donald Dunbar. (Army)